It turns out the Grasshopper Sparrow was not the only new life bird I saw this past Saturday at Fort Stevens' South Jetty.
When I arrived Saturday morning, the first bird I encountered was sitting atop a small pine next to the restrooms. I took a couple of quick shots, but then it flew off. I wasn't sure what it was as I didn't get much of a look, but assumed it would turn out to be something common when I viewed the images later at home.
When I did take a look last night, I realized this was something I hadn't seen before. Pipits came mind, but I soon rejected that after reviewing them in my guides. Then I thought Yellow-rumpled Warbler as it had similar white markings on the under side of it's tail. But there things that was wrong with that ID as the face was too intricate and the under-tail coverts where yellow, not white.Paging through my Sybley's guide I came across a Palm Warbler. This looked very similar, even a hint of a rusty crown. Then I remembered that OBOL subscriber Mike Patterson reported seeing a Palm Warbler at South Jetty the day after my visit. Just to be sure, I posted the image above on Birdfellow's Mystery Bird group and Dave Irons was kind enough to verify the identification.
Add in a sighting of a Varied Thrush, Mew Gulls and a very close encounter with some trusting Least Sandpipers and it turned out to be quite an exciting visit.
My wife had an audition for a show yesterday, so I had most of the day to myself; great day to go birding at the coast!I decided to go to Fort Stevens' South Jetty as there had been regular reports of Lapland Longspurs seen there this past week. I dipped on the Longspurs, but I did see my first Grasshopper Sparrow. Turns out it may be the first reported sighting of this species in Clatsop County.The reports indicated that sightings were consistently in the grassy area north of the parking lot. I had never gone walking through that area as I wasn't sure if it was open to the public. Turns out there are several crisscrossing trails, so it must be alright.
The area is sprinkled with groves of small pines and as I rounded one, a small sparrow-like bird flushed from the beach grass and landed some distance away in one of the pines. The branch it lit on was exposed leaving it easily seen, so I set off towards it hoping to get a closer look. Luckily it stayed put and I was able to get close enough to take some reasonable shots before it took off. Initially I thought I had seen a Longspur as I could tell that it was a species I had never seen. However, when I got the pictures onto my computer later that evening I realized it wasn't a Longspur after all, but what was it? No bird jumped off from the pages of my field guides that looked just like it. The closest match I found was a Le Conte's Sparrow. Had it been one, it would have been quite out of range. As it turned out, members of OBOL let me know that it is a Grasshopper Sparrow; a close relative. It makes sense now, however the back still seems to me to be more intricately colored than the pictures I've seen.
Hopefully it won't be the last one I ever see as it is a gorgeous sparrow.
I made my yearly trip to Atlanta this week and was able to fit in a couple of birding sessions. Yesterday, I visited the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area - Cochran Shoals Unit like I did last year as it was quite birdie. Though this year was a little quieter, but I still saw many of the eastern birds I saw there last year, plus a few new ones. Noticeably missing were Carolina Wrens and I only saw one Tufted Titmouse, one of the birds I was looking forward to seeing again. Birds I did see were Red-bellied and Red-headed Woodpeckers, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Northern Cardinal, Carolina Chickadee, Northern Mockingbird, Brown Thrasher and Eastern Bluebird. New Georgia birds include Yellow-rumped Warbler, Common Grackle, Northern Flicker (Yellow-shafted), American Goldfinch and a Red-tailed Hawk.At this point, the only new life bird that I have identified is the Eastern Towhee shown above. I saw two and they were very shy, hiding in the bushes. I only got one shot of one in the open, but unfortunately it was somewhat distant and in the shade, however it is clearly an Eastern Towhee, looking a lot like our Spotted Towhee, but with only the lone white spot on at the base of its primaries.
I saw this on Facebook. Thought it was cute.
I'm not sure why, but it seems whenever I see a juvenile Green Heron, they tend to have their necks fully extended. You wouldn't know that Green Herons have such long necks from typical adult sightings as adults seem to always have it retracted. Maybe its just because juvenile birds tend to be more curious and trusting than adults, so they just want to see whats going on around them.I saw this juvenile at Fernhill Wetlands back on Sept 9. I had to creep down through the tall grass to get a clear view of it as it stood along the shore. I saw another similarly extended necked juvenile here a year ago this past August. Here's a couple of examples of adults with their necks retracted; here and here.
There has been a lone Red-necked Grebe occupying Fern Lake at Fernhill Wetlands since early September. It typically hangs out in the middle of the Lake, so it's tough to get a good look at it unless you have a powerful spotting scope.I got lucky this past Friday as I found it very near the shore. Usual behavior for it, like most Grebes, is to dive underwater when approached by a human and swim away. It did this the at first, but the next time I saw it, it had found what I think were Cackling Goose down feathers floating on the water as there were 1000's of the geese on the water that day and it was busy collecting and swallowing them. This gave me the opportunity to get a few fair pictures of it. To bad the lighting wasn't better.I thought it odd that it was eating feathers so I checked on Cornell's All About Birds site and found the following; "Like other grebes, the Red-necked Grebe ingests large quantities of its own feathers. Feathers remain in the bird's stomach. The function of feathers in the stomach is unknown. One hypothesis suggests that the feathers help protect the lower digestive tract from bones and other hard, indigestible material." I suppose it could have been its own feathers, but I doubt they would have been floating on the water like that.
I've taken much better pictures, but this is by far the best Ring-necked Pheasant photo I've taken. I flushed a rooster and this hen as I was walking the service road between Cattail Marsh and Eagle Perch Pond today at Fernhill Wetlands.Sure gave me a startle. Reminded me of my early teen hunting days.
My first Kinglet sighting of the season turned out to be my first Kinglet sighting on Mount Hood and I saw both Ruby-crowned and Golden-crowned together.There were probably 20 - 30 Golden-crowned Kinglets feasting away in a few pines along with a couple of Ruby-crowned Kinglets. They were tolerant of my presence, probably too intent on feeding, but as usual, they were buggers to photograph. Not only were they in near constant motion, but whatever they were eating was found mostly on the underside of the inner branches as that is where they spent most of their time.I just stood there, with my camera ready, waiting for one to pause for a moment in the clear. Many shots looked great through the view finder, but were either shot late, poorly exposed, were out of focus or poorly posed. I got several rump shots. :-)I took around 115 shots and the pictures above were the best of the bunch. Not bad shots, but I was hoping for better considering how close I got and the high number of opportunities I had.None-the-less, it was great sport!
I spent the morning and early afternoon at Fernhill Wetlands today. Bird activity is picking up a little as the winter Cackling and White-fronted Geese are starting to move in as have the Golden-crowned Sparrows. I also got some great looks at a flock of about 30 Long-billed Dowitchers at Dabblers Marsh.On my way home, only a couple of miles from the wetlands, along SW Blooming Fern Hill Road I saw a pale dove sitting on a power line. I was intrigued enough to turn around and get a closer look. This was another case where having a moon roof on the car helped out. Turned out to be an Eurasian Collared Dove. My first in Washington County!I also got really lucky and happened to press the shutter button just as it took off. It's even in focus!