I wasn't quite sure where to go so I thought I'd try Harrington Road one more time. I struck out on the Prairie Falcon again, but I did see more Acorn Woodpeckers.
After that I spent some time at Fernhill Wetlands. On my last leg on the way back to the parking lot, I came across this Great Blue Heron sitting on the railing of one of the control valves. It was intent on staying put and allowed me to take a bunch of close pictures. I haven't gone through many of them yet, but this one jumped out at me so I decided to post it.
Nice capture! This is a beautiful picture of a beautiful bird. I saw somebody had posted this picture as a comment on the Wenatchee World Facebook page today and I figured that it someone else had actually taken the picture. I have seen a heron in our area recently, but haven't had time to photograph it yet. Nice to see that others have success.